CCD Auctions are here to help the seller and buyer have a smooth transaction and have a Great Experience buying and selling. Here’s how they work:
- Sellers submit their vehicles from all over the USA, and we hand pick the best of the best cars to put up for auction on our site.
- We work directly with the seller to help them write a honest and in depth description of their vehicle.
- CCD Auctions are live for 7 days with CCD's custom feature auctions like Credit card holds from buyers to insure quality bidders and sniping protection.
The listing process is easy and lowest fees in the industry: Upfront sellers pay NOTHING to list their vehicle. Auction with Reserve Is 5% Seller Fee and No Reserve Auction is 3% Sellers Fee.
We've put together a list of common questions below. If you still have questions you can send us a email at
Common Seller Questions
How much does it cost to list my vehicle for auction?
Free To List, Yes thats right No Cost to Submit your vehicle to CCD Auctions. Selling fees for successfull auctions are 3% or 5% depending on if you have a reserve or no.
How do I submit my vehicle to a CCD Auction?
You can submit your car by email After you submit, one of our Auction Agents will look the listing over and contact you with questions. Once the listing is accepted a auction agent will put together the listing with the information you sent us. Then we send it back to you for approval and once approved the listing will go live on the site within 48 hours.
What is the process after the auction and how do i get my money?
After the winning auction is closed and there is a winning bid. The buyer and seller will receive a email of each others information. Wire transfers will be from the buyer to CCD then to the seller.
What does reserve mean?
This means there is a minimum price that the vehicle will sell for. We help the sellers choose a reserve price that is fair and a good deal. If we feel sellers prices are to high then we dont list them.
If my car does not sell can I relist?
In most cases we dont like to relist, cause our auctions do the best the first time up. But if you want to contact your listing agent we can can discuss the price. We will not list if the reserve is close or the same price. Or place the vehicle on our main inventory pages with a buy it now price.
Who writes the description?
If we accept your auction then one of our agents will contact you and they will put the listing together. and get it ready for the auction
How does the shipping process work?
Shipping charges is responsible by the buyer, we have a company that we deal directly with and we can get a quote for you. We can help arrange this for the buyer.
Can I end my auction early?
NO, We do not cancel auction. They must run for the entire 7 day auction. We require your listing to be exclussively listed with CCD Auctions for the 7 day period. If car does not sell you can list where ever you wish. But as a added bonus if no sale. We will keep it on our buy it now side of Classic Car Deals and will remain for sale untill sold by us or you.
How do I take good photos?
To have a successful auction good photos is very important. We have a guide you can follow by clicking here. Also call your agent and ask about professional photos taken for low charge.
Common Buyer Questions
How do I register so I can bid?
Its easy to register by submiting your information on HERE.If you have any questions call us or email us at
How does the bidding process work?
That easy also, just enter the amount you want to bid. If your bid is higher then other bids and time is still left in the auction then you are not the high bidder. The amount you enter is the amount you bid. If you win that will be the amount you will be paying for the vehicle.